Buck Full Moon Cacao and Ecstatic Dance Flow Ceremony

Appalachian Coffee House Princeton

Join us for the Buck Full Moon! In this ceremonial event we will be starting with a cacao ceremony hosted by Angie Conrad around 7pm. Participation in the cacao ceremony will have a fee of $15 for supplies

*Please rsvp, pre-pay, or let @Shannon Shine know if you plan to attend the Cacao ceremony if possible so we can properly prepare the supplies.

Following the cacao blessings we will begin a free flow dance experience led by Selomon and Jordan Furrow around 8 pm. ( You may join us for the dance ceremony and skip the cacao if you wish.)

You are also welcome to come and create art and have a good time celebrating the Full Moon with us.

Suggested donation of $25 for full experience.

Feel free to dress in fun Full Moon ceremonial adornments or attire and be your magical selves. We look forward to seeing you!